Friday, February 17, 2012

It's Hard to Blog without a Computer!

My computer died a few weeks before Thanksgiving and that makes it difficult to blog! But, after several months we have finally replaced it! In the absence, I've tried lots of things from the cookbook, particularly the week of Thanksgiving, which we spent with my in-laws. In fact, after making several new things (or at least new to Lon's family), two of his sisters wanted to bookmark the online version of the cookbook!
One of the first things I made while we were there was fajitas, using the Island Broiled Chicken from Aunt Deb. My mother in law is notorious for throwing away food after dinner because leftovers don't really get eaten at her house, but I am pretty sure she ate the leftovers from this meal for at least three or four meals. That's saying something for her!
I also made Green Bean Caesar from Aunt Deb/Aunt Marilyn. We all know it is amazing, but now so do my in-laws! It was great as usual.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, when we were discussing who would make what, it got brought up that maybe potato flakes would be the way to go since we would be feeding quite the crowd. I think at that point in the conversation my jaw may have hit the floor! IDAHO GIRLS DO NOT DO FAKE POTATOES! And more importantly, I am fairly confident that if my dad ever caught wind of this, he would disown me! Needless to say, by default, I got to bring the potatoes!
Every time I cook while visiting Lon's family I realize that Farmers do food a little differently... For instance, the only reason any of them have apple cider vinegar is because I bought it for something I cooked the last time we were there. Lon's mom's sugar container holds exactly three cups. They were astounded when I told them how many pies are included at a Farmer Thanksgiving. And even more astounded when I told them how fast they get eaten!!
A couple other things I have tried:
Aunt Janette's Brownies, with and without the cream cheese filling, both of which were great! Lon's not a huge cheesecake fan, so I think he preferred them plain, however.
My Mom's Chicken Noodle Soup. I brought this to a friend after she had a baby and she asked for the recipe saying it was the best she had ever had!
Jenny's Sloppy Joes. They were very yummy! Eden especially liked them!
Aunt Deb's Chimichurri. SO, so good!!
Several months later, I am still loving this cookbook!!

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