Friday, September 30, 2011

Aunt jennifers macadamia white chocolate cookies.

In the last week I have made these cookies twice. I Sent them with Jim to jess's for fight night and they were a big success. Then took them to a quilt retreat this week and they were a huge success! Even a couple of vegans were quietly snitching them.... Giggle! They are that good! I must have single handedly eaten 2 dozen all by myself. Deb

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Aunt Deb's "Mrs. Fields Oatmeal Cookies"

So I made these for a study group, thinking cookies would be a great way to lure people in! Apparently they didn't get the message! It ended up being just me and my roommmate (who isn't even in the class!) But She and I sure enjoyed the entire bag I had packed! They are delicious, and so chewy. My roommate says "I love the hint of cinnamon," which makes me laugh... as there is no cinnamon in them! Best oatmeal cookies I've had in a long time!

Debs post

This is so cool

Cookbook Link

I just added a link to the cookbook right under the family picture, though I can't figure out how to center it! Told you I wasn't very good at this!

But either way, it's there!

Aunt Janette's Brownies

We were asked to bring brownies to the lunch after Baby Laura Jo's blessing (Jimmy & Josie's little girl). So we decided to bring out the cookbook and see if there were any brownie recipes that we wanted to try. We came across Aunt Janette's "Brownies" (with cream cheese filling) as well as her "Orange Brownies." I have to give credit where it is due: Mark made both recipes for the luncheon and they turned out great! We had several compliments on them and were excited to say that they were in the Farmer Family Cookbook! Tonight, I am planning to try Aunt Janette's "Baked Pork Chops" recipe. (Maybe next we'll have to try a recipe that was not submitted by Aunt Janette, but she's never steered us wrong yet!)

Also, would it be possible to get a link on this blog that takes us to our online cookbook? That would be helpful for me because I can never remember where it is. Thanks!
This is so awesome! Just so that you are aware, I am adding several "forgotten" recipes to the online version of our cookbook. Grandma's Three Bean Salad, several of my own: Banana Coco Locos, and Cauliflower and Cheese. There are a couple of errors that have surfaced that I have been correcting as I hear of them. So, let me know what you find and I'll correct or add clarification to any recipe issue that comes up. This is a great forum to facilitate the perfection of our cookbook!!! If you have more tried and true, really great recipes to add, email them tho me and I will add them. Jenny, I hear you have an oatmeal roll recipe that I would really be interested in.


Aunt Jennifer's Mac and Cheese

There is a running joke at our house about having macaroni and cheese for dinner. I LOVE homemade mac and cheese, but apparently only if I'm not the one making it. I am horrible at it! I cannot tell you how many recipes I have tried, all varying degrees of awful. It's gotten to the point I had to promise Lon I'd quit trying! So after I got the cookbook and saw this recipe, I thought it looked pretty simple and how bad could I slaughter it??(granted, I'd said that before...) I had to wait until Lon was gone on a business trip before I could try it, though! Much to my surprise, it turned out! The only dissapointment was that Lon wasn't home to prove it to him! He'll be seeing it again in the future! And if it doesn't turn out then, I'll know he's the bad luck :)

Jill's Roast

I made this a few weeks ago for Sunday dinner when some friends of ours came over. It was really good and really tender! Since I can never manage to get to church on time even without getting dinner going, the night before prep was perfect for us. I had to laugh because my friend is from Japan, but her husband is from Utah. She cooks mostly Japanese food at their house. He ate so much and all he could say was that "it tastes so great to have white people food!" Nice.

Alli's "Gina's Hot & Spicy Tortilla Soup"

How's that for a confusing title?

Alli gave me this recipe quite a while before the cookbook and I just have to say that it is without a doubt my favorite food. I could eat it breakfast, lunch, and dinner(though the concept of eating tortilla soup for breakfast really weirds Lon out. What can I say, I'm a Farmer!). So good! Especially with lots of lime!

Aunt Janette's Iquala Salad

I made this just a few days after the reunion at my sister in law's baby shower and it was awesome! I had several ladies request the recipe. Because the shower had a star theme, I added mini star shaped pasta and looked really pretty! Perfect summer salad and pretty quick to throw together.

Alyson's Pancakes

I wouldn't have thought it would be so hard to find a good basic pancake recipe, but turns out it is! Well, it was for me anyway. I have tried lots of recipes over the last few years and they were all pretty mediocre. These turned out pretty good though! Even Lon liked them and he's kind of an Aunt Jemima kind of guy(and our biggest food critic)! I'll definitely make them again!

Aunt Jennifer's White Bread

I have had so much fun reading through this cookbook and trying lots of yummy things! One of the first things I tried was Aunt Jennifer's white bread. It was so good! Everybody here ate it up! We gave some to our neighbors and they loved it too!